
NAFTA Country Report USA 2018


  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

16 01 2018

CR_USA_April_2015 (full report)

The US administration´s trade policy remains a downside risk, not just for trading partners, but also for the US economy itself.

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    Market Monitor Steel Metals Canada 2018


    • Kanada
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Payment delays and insolvencies will probably increase until the new USMCA trade agreement is ratified and the US import tariff issue is resolved.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Germany 2018


    • Deutschland
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Despite the comprehensive safeguarding measures imposed by the EU, the risk of declining steel prices as a result of additional steel inflow remains.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals UK 2018


    • Großbritannien
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    EU safeguarding measures against steel imports could become an issue if the EU and the UK fail to reach an agreement on the post Brexit trade relationship.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals USA 2018


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Mid-level producers, smaller steel and metals service centres have started to feel cash flow and profit margin pressure after the imposition of tariffs.

    Southeast Asia - coping well with headwinds


    • Indonesien,
    • Malaisia,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    15 11 2018

    Southeast Asia is facing headwinds in the face of the US-China trade war and increased global market volatility, but strong domestic policymaking and economic fundamentals should mitigate risks.

    Market Monitor Machines China 2018


    • China
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    Despite ongoing growth, there are challenges ahead, as profit margins of businesses decreased in 2017 and H1 of 2018 due to sharply increased input costs.

    Market Monitor Machines France 2018


    • Frankreich
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    Many producers are under pressure to either expand/grow or refuse orders, while difficulties in hiring skilled staff impacts further business expansion.

    Market Monitor Machines Italy 2018


    • Italien
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    As in previous years, competition remains strong in the domestic market, mainly among small and medium-sized machinery companies depending on construction.

    Market Monitor Machines United Kingdom 2018


    • Großbritannien
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    A modest insolvency increase is expected in 2019, with businesses related to oil and gas exploration, construction and agricultural markets mainly exposed.

    Market Monitor Machines Belgium 2018


    • Belgien
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    The demand situation for Belgian machinery businesses is generally positive, but remains affected by difficulties in some major buyer industries.

    Market Monitor Machines Denmark 2018


    • Dänemark
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    There is pressure on the profits of turbine manufacturers and their suppliers along the value chain, and further consolidation seems to be likely.

    Market Monitor Machines Germany 2018


    • Deutschland
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    Due to its high export ratio the industry is highly susceptible to rising geopolitical risks, exchange rate volatility, and rising protectionism.

    Market Monitor Machines Singapore 2018


    • Singapur
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    Business performance and profit margins of machinery traders could be negatively affected by the ongoing trade dispute between China and the United States.

    Market Monitor Machines Spain 2018


    • Spanien
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    Due to its high export ratio the industry is highly susceptible to external risks like a deterioration in the Eurozone and rising protectionism.

    Market Monitor Machines USA 2018


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Maschinen/-bau

    13 11 2018

    Some caution is still advised on businesses dependent on the oil/gas and the mining industry, due to potential impacts of energy price volatility.

    Global Economic Outlook - November 2018


    • Algerien,
    • Angola,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    08 11 2018

    The bright outlook presented in May has proven true but clouds are quickly gathering on the horizon. In an increasingly uncertain environment, there is no room for policy mistakes.

    Narrow window of opportunity for Brazil


    • Brasilien
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    30 10 2018

    The election of Brazil's new president ends a long period of political uncertainty, but the window for much-needed reform is very narrow.

    Österreich: Unternehmen von Zahlungsverzügen betroffen


    • Österreich
    • Bau,
    • Konsumgüter,

    29 10 2018

    Den Ergebnissen des Atradius Zahlungsmoralbarometers zufolge brachten die vergangenen zwölf Monate viele Veränderungen in Österreich.

    Austria: 100% of respondents reported domestic delays


    • Österreich
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    29 10 2018

    All survey respondents in Austria (100%) reported domestic payment delays. This is the highest percentage in the region, significantly higher than in 2017.

    Belgium: another increase in overdue B2B invoices


    • Belgien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    29 10 2018

    The average proportion of overdue B2B invoices reported by respondents in Belgium increased for the third consecutive year in a row and stands at 45.6%.


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