
NAFTA Country Report USA 2018


  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

16 01 2018

CR_USA_April_2015 (full report)

The US administration´s trade policy remains a downside risk, not just for trading partners, but also for the US economy itself.

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    Market Monitor Consumer Durables USA 2017


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    The 2017 retail sales outlook remains positive, due to robust private consumption driven by an improved housing market, job growth and higher wages.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Germany 2017


    • Deutschland
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    Sales are expected to grow further in 2017, but smaller businesses are struggling to cope with the fast growing market leaders and online retailers.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Poland 2017


    • Polen
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    Given the positive economic outlook for 2017 with household consumption forecast to increase above 3% , robust consumer durables sales growth is expected.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Hungary 2017


    • Ungarn
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    In 2016 non-food retail sales increased 6.8%, benefitting from robust private consumption growth fuelled by low inflation and increasing employment.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables India 2017


    • Indien
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    Small- and medium-sized retailers generally operate on low margins and are impacted by multiple sourcing agreements, competition and price volatility.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Indonesia 2017


    • Indonesien
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    Indonesia's retail sector remains one of the most promising in Asia due to the large population and growing middle class with higher purchasing power.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Italy 2017


    • Italien
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    Weaker players have disappeared while other businesses chose to merge with other peers in order to survive, and the concentration process will continue.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Spain 2017


    • Spanien
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    Payments in the sector range from 60 to 90 days; however, they can extend to more than 120 days depending on the market power of individual retailers.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Sweden 2017


    • Schweden
    • Konsumgüter

    28 03 2017

    The risk of a downturn in the domestic real estate market could dampen higher growth prospects in the furniture and domestic appliances segments in 2017.

    Country Report Argentina 2017


    • Argentinien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    21 03 2017

    While the return to more market friendly policies has improved medium- and long-term growth prospects, the short-term outlook remains challenging.

    Country Report Brazil 2017


    • Brasilien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    21 03 2017

    While in 2017 a modest economic rebound after two years of contraction is expected, Brazilian business insolvencies will continue to increase by about 10%.

    Country Report Chile 2017


    • Chile
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    21 03 2017

    Growth has slowed down due to the end of the commodity boom and weaker doemstic demand, but the business environment remains one of the best in the region.

    Country Report Colombia 2017


    • Kolumbien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    21 03 2017

    Since 2015 GDP growth has slowed due to decreased commodity prices, but the external economic position remains solid and the liquidity position sound.

    Mainstream parties put to the test in Dutch elections


    • Niederlande
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    14 03 2017

    Against a backdrop of heightened political uncertainty, the Dutch economy is holding firm. A centre-right coalition is the most likely outcome of the elections.

    Insolvency Forecasts February 2017


    • Australien,
    • Österreich,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    28 02 2017

    Atradius forecasts insolvencies across advanced markets to fall only 2% in 2017, the weakest performance since 2009.

    Market Monitor Construction Belgium 2017


    • Belgien
    • Bau

    14 02 2017

    Despite decreases the level of payment delays and insolvencies will remain high in 2017 as a full-scale rebound is not expected for the time being.

    Market Monitor Construction France 2017


    • Frankreich
    • Bau

    14 02 2017

    The recovery of the construction sector has finally gained some momentum, but competition remains fierce, and prices and profitability are still low.

    Market Monitor Construction Germany 2017


    • Deutschland
    • Bau

    14 02 2017

    Despite continued growth during the last ten years and a benign outlook the level of building activity seen in the 1990s has not been reached again.

    Market Monitor Construction The Netherlands 2017


    • Niederlande
    • Bau

    14 02 2017

    The recovery of the Dutch construction sector continued in 2016, but there is still overcapacity in the market, and a consolidation has yet to take place.

    Market Monitor Construction UK 2017


    • Großbritannien
    • Bau

    14 02 2017

    Uncertainty in the British construction market is expected to increase in the coming years, especially as a ‘hard Brexit’ seems to be most probable.


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