Key facts and figures

We’re a world-leading provider of trade credit insurance, surety and debt collection services with a presence in every continent. Here’s a snapshot of our business as it stands today.

Atradius at a glance

  • We operate worldwide through our presence in more than 50 countries around the globe
  • We have a multinational, multilingual team of more than 3,500 people
  • Our total revenue is in excess of €2.5 billion
  • Our financial strength rating has been affirmed by rating agencies AM Best as, A (excellent) with a stable outlook and Moody’s as A1 with a stable outlook

World leading innovation and customer focus

The service behind our credit insurance makes us unique. We promote clarity so that our policies are clear to understand and easy to access. In addition, we aim to develop enduring relationships, built on a solid understanding of your business needs.

  • 95% of our customers stay with us – this is because our team commit to our Customer Service Charter and build strong bonds built on transparency and trust with a dedicated account manager.
  • We are one company and one team – our united ambition is to lead the market and take you with us, enabling you to grow and maximise trade opportunities.
  • We invest in systems that directly benefit you – developing tools in collaboration with you to enhance your portfolio management.

Auch interessant


Through our Customer Service Charter and investment in innovation, we’re committed to leading our people and customers to better products and services than anywhere else.

Annual Reports

The Annual Report is a complete overview of the performance of Atradius N.V. in a year. It includes performance and strategy, full year accounts and additional financial information.

Financial Strength Ratings

Our financial strength rating has been affirmed by AM Best as A (excellent) with a stable outlook, and upgraded by Moody’s to A1 with a stable outlook.


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