Executive Management Team

Our Executive Management Team is responsible for developing and driving the aims, strategy, quality of service and business results of Atradius Collections throughout the world.











Raymond van der LoosRaymond van der Loos

Managing Director

Raymond van der Loos was appointed Managing Director of Atradius Collections Worldwide in October 2006.

He is responsible for growing the business’s top line and for increasing the overall efficiency of the Global Business Unit in order to improve its profit contribution to the Atradius Group. His role also includes expanding the international integrated Collections services and solutions for Atradius Collections.

Prior to joining Atradius, Raymond worked for GE where he gained experience in various international positions in the financial services branch of GE Group. His background is in developing, integrating and optimising cross border receivable management operations in order to enhance cash management and organisational efficiency performances.

Martijn BrouwerMartijn Brouwer

Executive Manager Commercial

Martijn Brouwer was appointed Commercial Director in November, 2015.

He is responsible for leading Atradius Collections’ commercial strategic direction including: Sales, Marketing and Customer Service. His role involves developing global accounts, overseeing the Marketing Department’s the online ecommerce strategy and ensuring the Customer Service Department continues to deliver enhanced quality levels of service. His experience includes the creation and implementation of new distribution channels for Atradius Collections via an online sales platform. 

Martijn joined Atradius Collections in 2007. Prior to that he was Sales Manager at Dun & Bradstreet in the Netherlands as well as holding several international sales and marketing managerial  positions at Sony Europe.

Rudi de GreveRudi de Greve

Executive Manager Operations

Rudi de Greve was appointed Executive Manager and Global Operations Director of Atradius Collections in June 2008.

He is responsible for leading the operations and technology for Atradius Collections throughout the world. His role involves ensuring both the day-to-day operations of the business and the company’s systems and technology are consistently and successfully driving the business strategy forward.

Prior to this Rudi has held various positions within the Atradius Group. These include managing the Claims Department for the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium and France. Before joining Atradius, Rudi worked in the Car industry (VW/Audi) as Insurance manager, in Legal Insurance (ARAG) as an international expert and in a family owned business in the European service delivery arena.

Auch interessant

Leadership and Governance Principles

Through our Governance Principles, Customer Service Charter and investment in innovation, we’re committed to leading our people and customers to better products and services than anywhere else.

Commitment to Corporate Responsibility

As a company whose remit is to enable successful trade, our biggest corporate responsibility is an economic one. Trade is essential for the world’s economic development.

Our History

Atradius Collections is part of a well-established global business that has been promoting secure trade through quality credit insurance and credit management services for more than 90 years.


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