8 Tips for managing your accounts receivables

Solve your accounts receivables issues and get your customers paying on time!









Card payment | Atradius








Due to their limited budget, small companies may only be able to make the majority of their purchases on credit. By selling more on credit, small enterprises could have a competitive edge over companies that don’t sell on credit. On the other hand, selling on credit exposes a business to risks of unpaid invoices, which increases the need for extra monitoring and management of payments.

Get paid on time with these tips:

Get organized!

Start by setting up a professional credit application that gives you a chance to gather as much information on your customers as possible.

Start early

Implement a system that allows you to remind customers when they have a payment waiting around the corner.

Remind, remind, remind

As soon as a payment is past its due date, send a reminder by mail.

Prepare for excuses

Get acquainted with the most common late payment excuses  and learn how to respond to each one.

Use the credit limit

Without a doubt, a credit limit is the best way to ensure that a customer will practice proper payment behavior when it comes to accounts receivable management.

Don’t wait

Upon discovering that a payment is late, don’t wait. Start calling immediately!

Collection call

Prepare for the call and be ready to accomplish your goal. Work with the customer to create a payment plan that meets both of your financial needs.

The experts

Many people are hesitant when it comes to using collection agencies. However, if you are wise and do your research, you will find a company that will get you paid and treat both you and your customer’s right

Think our services could benefit you?

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Auch interessant

Amicable Debt Collection


We help you cultivate and retain positive working relationships with your customers by providing non-contentious solutions through our amicable debt collection services.

Outsourcing Accounts Receivable


Receiving payments on time can be challenging. Our outsourcing accounts receivable solution offers support where, when and how you need it.

Contact us


Learn more about how you can get in touch with us directly through an Atradius Collections branch located in your local country or close to your own head office.


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