Phishing & Security

What is phishing and vishing?

Phishing is an attempt, usually by email or website, to trick you into revealing personal or financial information by appearing to be from a legitimate source, such as Atradius. This information could include your date of birth, login information, account details, credit card details, PIN codes and more. Vishing is an attempt to obtain this information by phone.

How can I recognise phishing and vishing?

You should always be wary of any telephone call or message that asks for your personal or financial information or messages that refer you to a web page asking for this information. Always ask yourself whether contact from an apparently trustworthy organisation might be a scam.

How can I stay secure online?

Be wary. Atradius will never send unsolicited e-mail messages asking our customers to update or verify their personal and security details. Atradius will not telephone you to ask you to update or verify your information, in particular asking you to divulge your password. Your login credentials are personal to you and should not be divulged to any other person.
Be suspicious of generic greetings such as “Dear valued customer”; Atradius will always contact you by name.

Be alert to any warnings posted on Atradius’ website. Think before you click, and pay close attention to login screens. Cyber criminals can use links in emails posts, online advertisements and tweets to direct you to a fake site, where they can steal your login credentials. Only sign in to your account when you are certain you visited the real site directly. To help you be sure that you are connected to the Atradius secure environment; check the following:

  • is the address for the Atradius website spelled correctly? Criminals often build websites under a slightly different name, like  instead of
  • (for the secure portion of the Atradius website) does the address start with https:// ? The 's' stands for 'secure'; ensuring impersonation and scrambling is prevented, and data is encrypted. If you only see 'http' (without the 's') then the internet connection is not secure
  • (for the secure portion of the Atradius website) check that the security lock icon is visible on your screen. You should see this lock icon on every page from the moment you log in to when you log out

Ensure your device’s software is up to date, has security software installed and operating. In particular:

  • make sure your device is well protected. Use up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software together with a firewall. Make sure they’re automatically activated any time you switch on your device
  • check for updates for your operating system and software (apps, virus scanner, internet browser and browser plug-ins) on a regular basis and install them when they become available
  • do not install any software (apps, virus scanner, internet browser or browser plug-ins) that comes from an unknown source
  • make sure your wireless connection is secure
    check your plug-ins are up to date and only sourced from sites you. Examples are Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, Java)

What should I do when I suspect a phishing or vishing scam?

Most importantly, never reply to suspicious contact with your personal or financial information.

Don’t fill out forms or sign-in screens that link from these messages.

Do contact Atradius using your usual contact person to report the phishing attempt. Be careful not to use any suggestions included in the suspicious email to contact Atradius; so don’t respond to it, and don’t click any links in the email. Also be careful when contacting us by phone after a suspected vishing attempt – wait several minutes before dialing Atradius as the fraudster might have kept the line open.


Additional Information

Mozilla Firefox Plugin Check & Updates
Qualys Browser Check 


Jede Veröffentlichung, die auf oder über unsere Websites verfügbar ist, wie z.B. Webseiten, Berichte, Artikel, Publikationen, Tipps und hilfreiche Inhalte, Trading Briefs, Infografiken, Videos (jeweils eine "Veröffentlichung"), wird nur zu Informationszwecken zur Verfügung gestellt und ist nicht als Empfehlung oder Ratschlag für bestimmte Transaktionen, Investitionen oder Strategien in irgendeiner Weise für eine:n Leser:in gedacht. Die Leser:innen müssen in Bezug auf die bereitgestellten Informationen ihre eigenen unabhängigen Entscheidungen treffen, seien sie geschäftlicher oder anderer Art. Obwohl wir alle Anstrengungen unternommen haben, um sicherzustellen, dass die in den Veröffentlichungen enthaltenen Informationen aus zuverlässigen Quellen stammen, haftet Atradius nicht für etwaige Fehler oder Auslassungen oder für die Ergebnisse, die sich aus der Verwendung dieser Informationen ergeben. Alle Informationen in den Veröffentlichungen werden im Ist-Zustand zur Verfügung gestellt, ohne Garantie auf Vollständigkeit, Genauigkeit, Aktualität oder auf die Ergebnisse, die sich aus ihrer Verwendung ergeben, und ohne jegliche ausdrückliche oder stillschweigende Garantie. In keinem Fall haften Atradius, die mit ihr verbundenen Personen- oder Kapitalgesellschaften oder deren Partner, Vertreter oder Angestellte Ihnen oder anderen gegenüber für Entscheidungen oder Handlungen, die im Vertrauen auf die in einer Veröffentlichung enthaltenen Informationen getroffen wurden, oder für entgangene Chancen, entgangenen Gewinn, Produktionsausfälle, Geschäftsausfälle oder indirekte Verluste, besondere oder ähnliche Schäden jeglicher Art, selbst wenn auf die Möglichkeit solcher Verluste oder Schäden hingewiesen wurde.