About us

"The relationship and service levels provided by Atradius are second to none. Atradius fully understands our business needs and requirements."

Vishnu Gopie, General Manager, Credit & AR, LG Electronics LTD

Our position as one of the world’s leading commercial debt collection firms is rooted in our commitment to understand and work alongside our customers and to tailor our services to meet their needs.

Executive Management Team

Our Executive Management Team is responsible for developing and driving the aims, strategy, quality of service and business results of Atradius Collections throughout the world.

Mission and Vision

Helping companies improve cash-flow worldwide since 1925

Leadership and Governance Principles

Through our Governance Principles, Customer Service Charter and investment in innovation, we’re committed to leading our people and customers to better products and services than anywhere else.

Atradius Collections x Orange Lions Sponsor

Atradius Collections is the proud sponsor of the Dutch National Basketball Teams.

Facts and Figures

We’re one of the world’s leading commercial debt collection agencies. Here’s a summary of our business, including our global size, length of history, success rates and financial strength rating.

Facts and figures Atradius Collections

Trade Association Memberships

To help support our global presence and local knowledge, we are members of a range of specialist local and international professional debt collection trade associations throughout the world.

Channel Partners

We work with a select group of Channel Partners to supplement our local knowledge and expertise. They complement our global presence, helping us meet our clients’ needs wherever they are in the world.

What our customers say

See the results of our latest Customer Satisfaction Survey and key customer testimonials on how we build strong working relationships with an understanding of individual need and market knowledge.

Working at Atradius Collections

Part of the global Atradius Group, Atradius Collections provides career opportunities throughout the world. Our collaborative ethos promotes strong working relationships among staff and with clients.

Our History

Atradius Collections is part of a well-established global business that has been promoting secure trade through quality credit insurance and credit management services for more than 90 years.

Keizersgracht Office History Teaser


Find out latest press releases on all issues concerning Atradius Collections, offices and services along with our searchable archive and contact details for a press officer local to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our services and debt collection process.


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