Our Services

We are your strategic partner in B2B credit management & debt collection.
Ready to support you at any stage of your order-to-cash cycle.

Local and international debt collection specialists.

From dunning letters and amicable collections to formal litigation, our debt collection products and professionals support you through the world’s time zones, currencies, jurisdictions and languages.

Amicable B2B Debt Collections

We help you cultivate and retain positive working relationships with your customers by providing non-contentious solutions through our amicable debt collection services.

Man handing over a cheque | Atradius

Accounts Receivable Solutions

Receiving payments on time can be challenging. Our accounts receivable services offers support where, when and how you need it.

Past due stamp on invoice for customer | Atradius

Legal Collections

Atradius Legal Collections helps you take action against your debtor, wherever they are in the world. We provide professional advice, expected outcomes and access to a global network of lawyers.

legal collections

Insolvency Services

As a global debt collection firm with a worldwide network of lawyers and experienced professionals we are well placed to make claims on your behalf against bankrupt debtors wherever they are located.

Insolvency Services Debt collection for bankrupt clients client is bankrupt

Invoice Checking

Our Invoice Checking service is designed to support factoring companies by helping them to scrutinise invoices, including looking into the commitment and ability of the customer to pay.

Invoice Checking  invoice verification Invoice Checking service invoice verification

Standby Servicing

Our Standby Service monitors your financed portfolio. It automatically activates collection activities once a trigger event occurs, providing you with our local and international collection expertise.

standby services


Collect@Net is an online platform that enables you to access our debt collection expertise and to monitor the progress of our collection activities.

Collectatnet Image without padding

How We Collect Outstanding Debts

The financial health of your business is our priority. Discover how we collect outstanding debts worldwide.

How AC collect outstanding debts

Demand Letters

Outsourced demand letters for payment help you step up your collections effort in a cost-effective way. Demand letters signify a strong warning and your intention to pursue payment.

Man handing over a cheque | Atradius

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our services and debt collection process.

frequently asked questions - Atradius Collections

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