
International Debt Collections Handbook

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentinien,
  • Australien,
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

11 10 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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    Private debt could amplify costs of the trade war


    • China,
    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    30 07 2019

    Private sector debt developments in the US and China probably won’t trigger an economic crisis but could deepen a downturn, possibly triggered by the bilateral trade war.

    Market Monitor chemicals USA 2019


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    Should the Sino-US trade dispute continue or even escalate, US petrochemical businesses would face unfriendly market conditions with falling prices.

    Market Monitor chemicals China 2019


    • China
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    The repercussions of the trade dispute with the US have been limited so far, but several US-export dependent SMEs could fail should the dispute continue.

    Market Monitor chemicals United Kingdom 2019


    • Großbritannien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    Profitability of businesses is generally high in this sector, but Brexit poses a downside risk for businesses profitability and payment behaviour.

    Market Monitor chemicals Germany 2019


    • Deutschland
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    Due to the more difficult market environment and decreasing sales, we have recently downgraded the sector performance outlook from “Excellent” to “Good”.

    Market Monitor chemicals Japan 2019


    • Japan
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    Profitability of businesses is expected to deteriorate in the coming 12 months, due to lower demand from China and increased oil and naphtha prices.

    Market Monitor chemicals Italy 2019


    • Italien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    Performance is affected by slowdown in demand from automotive, uncertainty about Italian fiscal policy and the trade dispute between the US and China.

    Market Monitor chemicals France 2019


    • Frankreich
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    The French plastics packaging segment is negatively impacted by oil price volatility, increased environmental awareness and stricter regulations.

    Market Monitor chemicals Brazil 2019


    • Brasilien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    The Brazilian agrichemicals sector remains very susceptible to sudden changes in climate conditions, market prices and exchange rate fluctuations.

    Market Monitor chemicals Singapore 2019


    • Singapur
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    In the medium- to long-term low-cost competitors from Asia and the Middle East could seriously challenge Singapore's export-oriented chemicals industry.

    Market Monitor chemicals Spain 2019


    • Spanien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    16 07 2019

    The plastics segment is impacted by environmental awareness and stricter regulations, which could negatively affect businesses in the near future.

    EU moving forward with free trade deals


    • Argentinien,
    • Österreich,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    09 07 2019

    The EU continues to buck the international protectionist trend, signing two historic trade agreements.

    Mexico: weaker growth, stronger credit risk perception


    • Mexiko
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Konsumgüter,

    25 06 2019

    Although Mexico is well-positioned to withstand shocks, as its external finances remain strong, the country’s economic outlook is weakening.

    The US: signs of heightening trade credit risk?


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Chemie/Pharma,
    • Bau,

    25 06 2019

    Despite solid fundamentals, underpinned by persistently strong household and business confidence, clouds are developing over the U.S. economy.

    Brazil: businesses face challenging economic times


    • Brasilien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Konsumgüter,

    25 06 2019

    The Brazilian economy is going through a significantly challenging phase, which is severely affecting business and consumer sentiment.

    USMCA: trade credit risk worries businesses


    • Kanada,
    • Mexiko,
    • Automobil/Transport,
    • Bau,

    25 06 2019

    Trade credit risk worries businesses more than trade wars.

    Market Monitor ICT USA 2019


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Elektronik/ITK

    18 06 2019

    Despite healthy growth in many ICT segments, stiff competition is leading to low pricing and margin compression for distributors and retailers alike.

    Market Monitor ICT China 2019


    • China
    • Elektronik/ITK

    18 06 2019

    A major increase in insolvencies is not expected for the time being, but cannot be ruled out should the trade dispute with the US further escalate.

    Market Monitor ICT UK 2019


    • Großbritannien
    • Elektronik/ITK

    18 06 2019

    Despite the looming Brexit uncertainty, the UK technology sector attracted more venture capital investment in 2018 than any other European country.

    Market Monitor ICT Germany 2019


    • Deutschland
    • Elektronik/ITK

    18 06 2019

    Despite further sales growth most businesses continue to operate on very tight margins due to fierce competition, while equity strength is below average.


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