
International Debt Collections Handbook

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentinien,
  • Australien,
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

11 10 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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    Market Monitor food Netherlands 2018


    • Niederlande
    • Nahrungsmittel

    19 12 2018

    Growth is set to continue, but the strong export orientation makes many food businesses susceptible to trade disputes and price/currency fluctuations.

    Market Monitor food Germany 2018


    • Deutschland
    • Nahrungsmittel

    19 12 2018

    Many meat processors and producers suffer from higher procurement prices, while their ability to pass on those increases to retailers is limited.

    Market Monitor food Italy 2018


    • Italien
    • Nahrungsmittel

    19 12 2018

    Even the biggest food retailers are small compared to other major international players, and e-commerce is increasingly challenging traditional businesses.

    Market Monitor food Mexico 2018


    • Mexiko
    • Nahrungsmittel

    19 12 2018

    The new Mexican government could launch policies in order to increase domestic production and put emphasis on domestic agricultural support programmes.

    Market Monitor food Australia 2018


    • Australien
    • Nahrungsmittel

    19 12 2018

    Higher input costs have increased the pressure on margins in recent years, with a recent draught in Australia having and additional negative impact.

    Market Monitor food Poland 2018


    • Polen
    • Nahrungsmittel

    19 12 2018

    The number of protracted payments in the sector is rather high as larger businesses use their leverage against suppliers by demanding long payment terms.

    No-deal Brexit risks driving up insolvencies


    • Großbritannien
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    10 12 2018

    The UK leaving the EU without a deal would be a major disruption, causing business insolvencies to be higher in the UK and EU27.

    Goodbye NAFTA, hello USMCA


    • Kanada,
    • Mexiko,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    03 12 2018

    The USMCA has finally been signed on November 30, easing short-term uncertainty surrounding North American trade.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Czech Republic 2018


    • Tschechische Republik
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    The main potential downside risk for the industry is a deterioration in orders from main buyer industries, especially from the automotive sector.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Poland 2018


    • Polen
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Both payment delays and insolvencies could increase in 2019, especially if price and margin pressures rise and activity in the construction sector slows.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Spain 2018


    • Spanien
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Competitiveness of the steel and metals industry remains negatively impacted by power costs, which are about 30%-50% higher than in France or Germany.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Netherlands 2018


    • Niederlande
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Despite ongoing price pressure the general outlook for the Dutch steel/metals sector is positive, and the impact of the US import tariffs is very limited.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals France 2018


    • Frankreich
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Payment delays or rescheduling schemes are currently on an upward trend, as producers are facing cash pressure due to heavier working capital requirements.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Italy 2018


    • Italien
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Higher margin pressure as demand from the automotive sector is expected to decrease in the coming months, while demand from construction remains sluggish.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals China 2018


    • China
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    The number and amount of protracted payments and insolvencies remains high, and many private-owned steel and metals producers face serious troubles.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Canada 2018


    • Kanada
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Payment delays and insolvencies will probably increase until the new USMCA trade agreement is ratified and the US import tariff issue is resolved.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals Germany 2018


    • Deutschland
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Despite the comprehensive safeguarding measures imposed by the EU, the risk of declining steel prices as a result of additional steel inflow remains.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals UK 2018


    • Großbritannien
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    EU safeguarding measures against steel imports could become an issue if the EU and the UK fail to reach an agreement on the post Brexit trade relationship.

    Market Monitor Steel Metals USA 2018


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    27 11 2018

    Mid-level producers, smaller steel and metals service centres have started to feel cash flow and profit margin pressure after the imposition of tariffs.

    Southeast Asia - coping well with headwinds


    • Indonesien,
    • Malaisia,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    15 11 2018

    Southeast Asia is facing headwinds in the face of the US-China trade war and increased global market volatility, but strong domestic policymaking and economic fundamentals should mitigate risks.


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