
International Debt Collections Handbook

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentinien,
  • Australien,
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

11 10 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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    MENA Country Report UAE 2018


    • Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    24 07 2018

    Economic growth is expected to accelerate in 2018 and 2019, due to higher oil prices, stronger external demand and the easing of fiscal consolidation.

    Market Monitor chemicals Brazil 2018


    • Brasilien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Chemicals businesses dependent on raw materials imports are highly exposed to exchange rate volatility and the looming threat of trade restrictions.

    Market Monitor chemicals United Kingdom 2018


    • Großbritannien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Good short-term outlook for the chemicals sector, but Brexit poses a downside risk for businesses profitability and payment behaviour in the mid-term.

    Market Monitor chemicals Indonesia 2018


    • Indonesien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Indonesian pharmaceuticals sector growth is driven by a rising population and the roll-out of the government's universal healthcare insurance system.

    Market Monitor chemicals Italy 2018


    • Italien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Further growth expected, but businesses dependent on construction, construction materials and consumer durables still require particular attention.

    Market Monitor Chemicals USA 2018


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Potential taxes on chemicals-related imports could find US chemicals businesses paying more for feedstocks and would negatively impact supply chains.

    Market Monitor chemicals India 2018


    • Indien
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Sales growth in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare market is supported by a robust economic outlook and increasing private and public healthcare spending.

    Market Monitor chemicals Mexico 2018


    • Mexiko
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Payment delays have not increased in 2017, despite many businesses suffering from decreased liquidity due to higher import prices for commodities.

    Market Monitor chemicals Poland 2018


    • Polen
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Payment behaviour in the Polish chemicals sector has been good over the past two years, and the number of non-payments and insolvencies has been low.

    Market Monitor chemicals Turkey 2018


    • Türkei
    • Chemie/Pharma

    19 07 2018

    Payment delays and insolvencies are expected to increase in the chemicals sector due to lower sales and the lira depreciation since the end of 2017.

    European gas market outlook 2018


    • Russland
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    10 07 2018

    Despite concerns about energy security, the gas trade between Europe and Russia is working for the benefit of both

    International trade continues to grow despite US policy


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    03 07 2018

    All eyes are on US trade policy, but we forecast trade to continue to grow robustly in 2018.

    The Americas - an increase of overdue B2B receivables


    • Brasilien,
    • Kanada,
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Chemie/Pharma,

    28 06 2018

    The percentage of overdue B2B invoices increased in 2018 impacting 64.1% of survey respondents in countries surveyed in the Americas.

    Brazil - high bankruptcy rate, high uncollectables rate


    • Brasilien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Chemie/Pharma,

    28 06 2018

    Like most of their peers in the Americas, respondents in Brazil reported an increase in the proportion of overdue B2B invoices this year.

    Weak Turkish lira heightens trade risk


    • Türkei
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    26 06 2018

    The recent bout of lira depreciation in the run-up to the snap elections has reduced import demand from Turkey and increased payment risk.

    Brexit effect already being felt in UK-EU trade


    • Österreich,
    • Belgien,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    21 06 2018

    Pound sterling depreciation in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum in June 2016 has had significant impacts on UK-EU trade flows.

    Market Monitor ICT China 2018


    • China
    • Elektronik/ITK

    12 06 2018

    Despite still high growth rates the sector is facing a challenging economic environment, with fiercer competition and oversupplies in some segments.

    Market Monitor ICT USA 2018


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Elektronik/ITK

    12 06 2018

    A deterioration of trade relations with China could negatively affect the ICT component supply side and confront US end-consumers with higher sales prices.

    Market Monitor ICT Japan 2018


    • Japan
    • Elektronik/ITK

    12 06 2018

    While many Japanese ICT businesses are highly indebted, companies obtain finance easily as banks are very willing to lend and interest rates are low.

    Market Monitor ICT Germany 2018


    • Deutschland
    • Elektronik/ITK

    12 06 2018

    Despite continued sales growth, most German ICT businesses operate on very tight margins due to fierce competition and price erosion in most subsectors.


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