
International Debt Collections Handbook

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentinien,
  • Australien,
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

11 10 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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    Market Monitor Steel South Africa 2017


    • Südafrika
    • Metall,
    • Stahl

    14 11 2017

    Banks have generally tightened their lending policies for steel businesses due to the fierce competitive environment and still subdued domestic demand.

    Market Monitor Machines USA 2017


    • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    Revenues of the engineering services industry have rebounded since 2015 as greater liquidity in financial markets helped to boost construction spending.

    Market Monitor Machines United Kingdom 2017


    • Großbritannien
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    While UK business insolvencies are forecast to increase in 2017 and 2018, the machinery sector is not expected to follow this deteriorating trend.

    Market Monitor Machines China 2017


    • China
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    Lower demand from key buyer industries and high overcapacity has led to decreasing net profit margins for some businesses over the last two years.

    Market Monitor Machines France 2017


    • Frankreich
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    Profit margins have increased over the last 12 months due to the benign business environment, however, a slight decline cannot be ruled out in the future.

    Market Monitor Machines Italy 2017


    • Italien
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    Profit margins of machinery businesses rebounded in 2016 and are expected to improve further, but competition remains strong in the domestic market.

    Market Monitor Machines Indonesia 2017


    • Indonesien
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    As competition is fierce in the domestic market price wars cannot be ruled out, particularly among businesses operating in the lower quality segment.

    Market Monitor Machines Denmark 2017


    • Dänemark
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    Key success factors for Danish machinery businesses remains their ability to streamline costs and investment in product development/new technology.

    Market Monitor Machines Germany 2017


    • Deutschland
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    The general outlook remains positive, and margins are relatively high, especially in niche segments. However,competition from China is increasing.

    Market Monitor Machines Netherlands 2017


    • Niederlande
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    Payment behaviour has been good over the last two years and the number of payment delays, defaults and insolvencies is expected to remain low in 2017.

    Market Monitor Machines Poland 2017


    • Polen
    • Maschinen/-bau

    31 10 2017

    Due to deteriorated results and margins, as well as increased payment delays and insolvencies our underwriting stance remains restrictive for the sector.

    Payment Practices Barometer Asia Pacific 2017


    • Australien,
    • China,
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    After a minor decrease from 45.0% in 2015 to 44.3% in 2016, the percentage of overdue B2B invoices in Asia Pacific increased again this year to 45.4%.

    Payment Practices Barometer China 2017


    • China
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    China’s proportion of domestic and foreign past due B2B invoices is almost in line with the regional average and has increased compared to last year.

    Payment Practices Barometer Taiwan 2017


    • Taiwan
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    The proportion of domestic and foreign past due B2B invoices in Taiwan (domestic: 42.7%; foreign: 47.2%) is almost in line with the regional averages.

    Payment Practices Barometer Hong Kong 2017


    • Hong Kong
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    The proportion of domestic and foreign past due B2B invoices in Hong Kong (domestic: 50.0%; foreign: 50.3%) is higher than that recorded at regional level.

    Payment Practices Barometer India 2017


    • Indien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    With an average of 53.4%, India had the highest proportion of domestic and foreign past due B2B invoices of all the Asia Pacific countries surveyed.

    Payment Practices Barometer Australia 2017


    • Australien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    The percentage of Australian respondents reporting domestic and foreign late payments in 2017 (88.1%) has increased compared to last year (84.0%).

    Payment Practices Barometer Indonesia 2017


    • Indonesien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    In 2017, Indonesian respondents reported an increased percentage of domestic and foreign overdue B2B invoices (domestic: 45.1% and foreign: 41.2%).

    Payment Practices Barometer Japan 2017


    • Japan
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    The total value of B2B sales on credit in Japan increased this year to 53.7%. Of the Asia Pacific countries surveyed, Japan was the most credit-friendly.

    Payment Practices Barometer Singapore 2017


    • Singapur
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    17 10 2017

    Late payments from domestic and foreign B2B customers were reported more frequently by respondents in Singapore than by their peers in Asia Pacific.


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